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        Veterinary Tylosin Tartrate Injection 20%

        Veterinary Tylosin Tartrate Injection 20%

        Product Details:


        Veterinary Tylosin Tartrate Injection 20% Price And Quantity

        • 300 Box
        • 47 INR

        Veterinary Tylosin Tartrate Injection 20% Product Specifications

        • Liquid

        Veterinary Tylosin Tartrate Injection 20% Trade Information

        • 30 Days
        • All India
        • WHO-GMP, ISO 9001:2015

        Product Description

        Tylosin 20 % Injection

        CLINICAL PARTICULARSTarget Species

        Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Dog, Cat and Swine.

        Treats shipping fever,

        Pneumonia, foot rot,

        Calf diphtheria,

        Metritis in beef cattle & Non lactating dairy cattle.

        Treats mycoplasmal swine arthritis, pasteurella pneumonia, erysipelas,

        Swine dysentery in swine.

        Acute swine dysentery in swine.

        Amounts to be administered and administration route 

        By intramuscular injection:

        Cows:  2.5-5.0 ml/ 100 kg B. Wt.

        Calves: 2.5 ml/ 50 kg B. Wt.

        Sheep & Goats: 2.5 ml/ 50 kg B. Wt.

        Swine: 0.5-0.75 ml/ 10 kg B. Wt.

        Dogs & Cats: 0.5-2 ml/ 10 kg B. Wt.

        To ensure a correct dosage body weight should be determined as accurately as possible.

        Withdrawal Period(s)

        Meat: 21 days

        Milk: 96 hours (at the eighth milking in cows milked twice daily).


        Shelf life of the veterinary medicinal product as packaged for sale: 2 years

        Shelf life following first broaching of the immediate packaging: 28 days




        Available in 30 ml /100 ml pack size.

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